Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October T.B.R. List

I was hoping to finish The Scorch Trials in September but the day after (Sept. 23rd) I ended up with the flu, along with some food poisoning,so I'm hoping to finish, and have a review up tomorrow. I still have a little bit of a flu, I tried reading some today but sadly I have very little concentration right now. I tend not to be able to read much on Tues. and Wed. anyway. I'm going to go back to having a set number of books, along with specific titles. So let's get on with the list.

2nd 1/2 of The Scorch Trials (The Maze Runner book #2 of 4) by James Dashner

While I did read the first half in Sept. I still have to read the second half, so I'm including this on my Oct. T.B.R. list. I'm sad that I got the flu half-way in because it was what I had read so far was really good, so I really hope that I'll be able to finish it tomorrow.

The Death Cure (The Maze Runner book #3 of 4) by James Dashner

The Kill Order (The Maze Runner book #4 of 4) by James Dashner

When I finish with the 2nd book I'm most likely going to want to read and finish the 3rd, last sequel in the series as well as the 4th book, the prequel to the series.

Epic Tales from Adventure Time: The Untamed Scoundrel by T. T. MacDangereuse

Epic Tales from Adventure Time: Queen of Rogues by T. T. MacDangereuse

I seen these in Walmart, and since I love the show I decided to buy them. They sound like they'll be fun, and they're not big so they should be a quick read.

Howl's Moving Castle (Howl's Moving Castle book #1 of 3) by Diana Wynne Jones

I had seen Hayo Miyazaki's film before finding out that it was based off/inspired by this book so when I found that out I had to buy the book and read it. I love the film, so I definitely think I'll like the book, and if I do I will buy the other two book. The second book sounds like it will be either with smaller characters in the first book, and the third book sound like it might be with a granddaughter of the two mane characters of the first book, I'm not sure though so I might be wrong about what both the other books are about.

Alanna: The First Adventure (Song of the Lioness book #1 of 4) by Tamora Pierce

I seen this book on I think PeruseProject's youtube channel, so I decide to check it out. It sounds like a real good book, and it seems like you get to follow the character for years (similar to Harry Potter and a few others that way) which I tend to like with series.

I have spelled so many words wrong trying to type this (thank you for spell check), I've also had to go back and check and noticed I also put letters instead of numbers for a few before I corrected it, so obviously I am not over my flu yet, and still can't concentrate that well.

Hope everybody had/has a great day : )

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