Saturday, May 16, 2015

End Of Days book review + Penryn and the End of Days series review

End Of Days (Penryn and the End of Days book #3 of 3) by Susan Ee

Paperback344 pages
Read: May 14 - 16
Rating: 5/5
Genres: Fantasy, Post-apocalyptic, Horror, Supernatural, Romance, Action, Young Adult
Summery: After a daring escape from the angels, Penryn and Raffe are on the run. They’re both desperate to find a doctor who can reverse the twisted changes inflicted by the angels on Raffe and Penryn’s sister. As they set off in search of answers, a startling revelation about Raffe’s past unleashes dark forces that threaten them all.
When the angels release an apocalyptic nightmare onto humans, both sides are set on a path toward war. As unlikely alliances form and strategies shift, who will emerge victorious? Forced to pick sides in the fight for control of the earthly realm, Raffe and Penryn must choose: Their own kind, or each other?

Review: This book takes place right after the events in the end of World After. I was worried going into this book that it would end up letting me down, thankfully through it did not disappoint me. If you read the first two books than you probably had the same thought as me as to how this book would conclude given all of the stuff that goes on in the first two as well as the stuff they allude to in the first two books. The way that this whole series concluded I think is the only way it could have ended without a big number of people being disappointed. I loved Penryn's mom, I did not think while reading Angelfall or while reading World After that I would love Penryn's mother as much as I do, she had some pretty great moments in this book. I was also really excited to read more about the Watchers, as well as how the fallen become the fallen. I also liked seeing how Beliel became who he is, I also did not think that by the end of the book that I would feel sympathy for Beliel. I did not think I would end up being shocked by anything else Uriel pulled to become Messenger, but I was, I did not think that Uriel would have anymore "apocalyptic signs" to throw at the angels, so that was definitely surprising for me. I was also kind of worried how the story would conclude concerning Penryn's sister, Paige, so what happens with Paige made me very happy. There are a few, I wouldn't call them romantic, they were more lustful then romantic, there are a few lustful scenes, which thankfully aren't overwhelming, annoying, or just plain too much. Over all I loved the book it was a great end to an awesome trilogy.

now onto the series as a whole.

Series Rating: 5/5
Series Review: This series was amazing. When I picked up the first book I did not think I would like the book much less love it as much as I do. It has everything I have ever wanted in a book, action, adventure, a strong female lead, a complex female lead, a romance that does not suck, mystery, and fantasy. Not only does it have all of those things, it also is very well developed, it never felt like Susan Ee just threw plots and ideas at a wall and hoped they would stick, and that development showed, which makes me love the books even more. I love that fact that all of the characters have layers to them, that made my reading experience even more enjoyable. I also really like the pacing of the books they're a fast enough pace for me to be interested from the get go, but they're not so fast that I had any blink and you'll miss it experiences. I loved the relationships that are formed and changed and end up evolving through out the whole series, I also love how all of those relationships have layers to them, they weren't not cut and dry which always made me excited to read more involving those relationships. I also love the humor, You'd think that with a young adult apocalypse book that there would either be no humor or the attempts at humor would be stupid, but the humor here is just my kind, it's sarcastic, dry, and biting, and sadly so far with the other books I've read there hasn't really been any of that type of humor, so reading those moments really made me smile. I loved this whole series, and Susan Ee is now definitely on my must buy author's list. She definitely seems to know how to right a really good and enjoyable book/series.

Now that I have finished this book and the series, which is kind of bittersweet for me because I didn't want it to end, but I'm so happy with how it ended. Anyway now that I've finished it. I can start giving my full attention to the other books I tried to start but couldn't because I was too excited with this coming out that I couldn't concentrate on any other books.

Hope everybody had/has a great day : )

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