Monday, March 30, 2015

Angelfall book review (SPOILERS)

Since I read and reviewed this book and the sequel last year, Spoiler-free, I am going to be reviewing both books with spoilers.

Angelfall (Penryn and the End of Days book #1 of 3) by Susan Ee

Paperback284 pages
Read: Mar. 8 - 30
Rating: 5/5
Genres: Fantasy, Post-apocalyptic, Horror, Supernatural, Romance, Action, Young Adult
Summery: It's been six weeks since the angels of the apocalypse destroyed the world as we know it. Only pockets of humanity remain.
Savage street gangs rule the day while fear and superstition rule the night.
When angels fly away with a helpless girl, her seventeen-year-old sister Penryn will do anything to get her back...

Review: I love this book and series! If you have not read this you definitely should, this series is very unique and I have yet to read anything remotely similar to it. This story starts off with Penryn, her mother, and her little sister, Paige, exiting their "home" to move up towards the hills of California, where there are less people, and gangs, to be safer. It has been six weeks since the angels of the apocalypse have arrived on earth destroying towns, cities, building, and people. Now lets get into some spoilers, shall we... First off one off my favorite parts of the book (page 32) is Penryn explaining that her mother was so scared of what she might end up doing, after the unexplained accident with Paige, that she took Penryn to a martial arts studio and paid for five years worth of training, she learned Tae Kwon Do, Jujitsu, Escrima, her mother also signed her up for many other things as well, shooting lessons, archery lessons, survivalist workshops, Sikh camps, basically anything she could think of so Penryn could defend herself. The reason why I love this part the most is because it give explanation for why Penryn is such a good fighter, instead of us just reading about Penryn beating up three or more guys and having us just assume she's this amazing fighter for no reason. That's the one thing that can annoy me about books with a female "action hero", Blood Red Road by Moira Young was the worst when it came to that, how Blood Red Road got so many great reviews I will never know, it was a terrible and stupidly cliched book in my opinion. Moving on, I also love that fact that Penryn's mother was schizophrenic, the fact that Penryn had a love/hate relationship with her made me like Penryn more and in turn like her mother more. I also like the fact that in this post-apocalyptic world her mother could survive very well. I also like the fact that even though Raffe is a angel he's agnostic. The last third of the book with Penryn finding Paige was kind of heartbreaking for me, the fact that Paige has become a cannibalistic experiment of multiple different body parts sewn together was very sad for me it becomes even me sad in the first two thirds of the second book as well. The fact that politics are a big reason for the experiments and for the three other angel attacking and trying to to kill Raffe made the book even better. I also like the fact that Penryn is not hard barely emotional person she has moments of fear, sadness, pain, and even moment of feeling like a teenage girl, it made Penryn very relatable to me. There's a history with the Watchers (angels) and their human wives having children called Nephilim who fed on humans, drank their blood, and terrorized the earth, and because of that the Watchers were condemned to the Pit until Judgement Day, and there's a hint that what happened to the wives was worse in this book, there's more explanation on the wives in the second book though. I liked the fact that there is a resistance camp as well. I think that's all for the spoilers. This is definitely my #1 book series, the way Susan Ee wrote this book makes me feel like she thought each book out 100% before publishing them. I picked this book up just because the cover was so pretty, I thought it was going to be a cheesy romance filled book, instead I ended up reading this action-packed, dark, intriguing, and unique book. This is one book series I know I will never have regret buying. Just because I love these book so much Susan Ee is on my automatic buy list, these books were that amazing to me.

Anyway at the end of the next month (April) I will have a spoiler-filled review for the sequel (World After), then in May after the third book (End of Days) arrives, I pre-ordered it of course, I will have a spoiler-free book review for that one.

Hope everybody had/has a great day : )

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